“Country-rocker Boo Ray takes his artistic and eccentric musical styles to the next level with his collaboration series called Boocoo Amigos, a collection of 7-inch vinyl records.”
Nashville based artist Boo Ray is happy to announce the vinyl release of his collaboration with chef and New York Times best selling author Sean Brock, the latest installment in his “BooCoo Amigos” 7inch duet series. The release features two original tracks “Saint Misbehavin” (Side A) and “Soul Food Cookin,”(Side B). Copies can be found at your local record store and from BooRayMusic.com.
“the duo handle the familiar gritty Southern rock/country genre quite well.”
The story behind this latest installment all began with Instagram. Boo Ray and Brock struck up a fast friendship on the social media platform due to their mutual love of food and tattoos. Both of these things served as inspiration for the duets. One day, Brock spotted a photo Boo Ray posted of a tattoo from Athens, GA artist Mitchell Atkinson (Twins of Pain), via the hashtag #MitchellAtkinson. Brock was so impressed to find a like-minded admirer of Atkinson’s work the photo left a lasting impression him, and he started to follow Boo Ray. As luck would have it Brock spotted Boo Ray, recognizing him from Instagram, at the East Nashville coffee shop Barista Parlor. The two struck up a conversation and immediately hit it off. What resulted are two high-energy, rockabilly tracks that serve as the perfect example of who they are as individuals and their friendship as a whole. See the two discuss the origins of their guitar sound HERE.
“It’s a pair of high-energy tunes...complete with bitchin’ rockabilly guitars, a heavenly walking bass line, a driving beat and fun tongue-twister lyrics sung with just the right amount of twang.” Parade Magazine
This is the third installment in Boo Ray’s ongoing “BooCoo Amigos” series, an ongoing project that sees him collaborating with some of his favorite artists. Prior releases include duets with Lilly Winwood (Steve Winwood’s daughter) and Elizabeth Cook. Brock is the first artist to be featured on the series who is not a musician by trade.
Partnering with Kindercore Vinyl on “Boocoo Amigos,” Boo Ray will have more in the series of 7inch duets later down the line. The Kindercore research and development team have taken active steps toward renewable PVC replacements, seeking to be the first pressing plant to offer petroleum free phonograph records in the coming years. By being the first artist to work with Kindercore, Boo Ray is hoping to set the example that taking steps towards preserving the planet can be as simple as working with forward thinking companies like Kindercore. If enough artists follow Boo Ray’s lead, collectively, they can make a huge impact on making the industry more sustainable.
“Saint Misbehavin” and “Soul Food Cookin” are also now available on all streaming platforms via Soundly Music. Boo Ray will be playing the 5 Spot in Nashville on Tuesday August 28th, Barley’s Taproom in Knoxville on Friday August 31, and curating a week’s worth of shows at Martin’s BBQ Joint in Downtown Nashville from Tuesday September 11th to Saturday September 15th.
Website: https://booraymusic.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BooRayLive/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Boocooray
Instagram: http://instagram.com/booray