On Saturday, October 17, 2020, the Memphis Food & Wine Festival will return to Memphis Botanic Garden.

In October 2019, the third Memphis Food & Wine Festival was held in The Live Garden at Memphis Botanic Garden.
Chefs from across the country and beyond joined vintners from award-winning wineries to serve nearly 2,500 Mid–Southerners a truly delectable evening under the stars. Star‐studded Memphis musicians added the perfect taste of blues and rock ‘n roll.
While all involved were supporting this tasteful culinary event, they also supported a greater cause – FedExFamilyHouse at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. FedExFamilyHouse is a home-away-from-home for families traveling long distances to Le Bonheur Children’s for treatment for their child.
Since the first Memphis Food & Wine Festival was held in October 2016, this popular event has benefited FedExFamilyHouse. In 2019, the festival donated more than $100,000 to FedExFamilyHouse, bringing the total to more than $325,000 over the life of the event.
“On behalf of Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital and FedExFamilyHouse, we would like to thank Memphis Food & Wine Festival for their continuous support. Their efforts help us to provide the best possible care for all children,” said Michael Wiggins, president and CEO of Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital.
On Saturday, October 17, 2020, the Memphis Food & Wine Festival will return to Memphis Botanic Garden.
FedEx will continue as the festival’s Presenting Sponsor and FedExFamilyHouse will again be the designated charity.
“FedEx is proud to be a part of an event that celebrates Memphis’ diverse culinary culture, while supporting the important work of FedExFamilyHouse at Le Bonheur Children’s,” said Alan Graf, executive vice president and chief financial officer, FedEx. “This cause is close to my heart and I am thrilled that FedExFamilyHouse will benefit from such an amazing event.”
Stay tuned for updates on the 2020 festival. In the meantime, visit memphisfoodwinefestival.org and fedexfamilyhouse.org for more information.
About FedExFamilyHouse:
FedExFamilyHouse is a home away from home for out-of-town families with children receiving treatment at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Tenn. With an expansion in December 2018, FedExFamilyHouse consists of 45 suites, 30 rooms and multiple comfortable common areas. Accommodations and services are provided at no cost to families. It is LEED Gold Certified and has served more than 160,000 people since it opened in 2010. For more information on ways to get involved, visit www.fedexfamilyhouse.org, www.facebook.com/fedexfamilyhouse or call (901) 347-6465.