“I think 'Broke it Down' is a song that is very relatable to a lot of different people. Everyone has gone through a break-up or has felt pretty broken down at one time or another in their life," expressed Callihan.

Thank you for talking with us Brian! How was the last year for you? What were your highlights? I wrote a lot of really good songs, got in the studio and recorded some new songs and I also got to play the Suwannee River Jam with a lot of great acts. It was a great time!
Where did you grow up and how has that influenced your style of music? I grew up in south Georgia, and that probably had the biggest influence on me. Traditional country music was what was always playing on the radio and TV, so that's what I naturally favored, but I also enjoy a lot of southern rock and even some R&B.
Did you have a musical mentor? If so, who was it and how did they influence you? Keith Whitley. I loved the realness in his voice. He is a big influence of mine.
What was the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given about pursuing a career in music To never give up and keep grinding. It will happen when it's supposed to.
You recently released your new single, "Broke it Down" that you also co-wrote. Tell us about the writing process and where the idea came from. We started playing some riffs on the guitar, and I had a little melody and the idea just kind of came out. It's a song that is very relatable because everyone has been broken down one way or another.
Where do you do your best writing? Out in the middle of nowhere!
Can you remember your first trip to Nashville? My first trip to Nashville was when I first moved here!
Where is your favorite place to eat in your hometown? A place called Old Times - it's a small country cooking place. Best food in town!
If I was a bartender, what would you order? I'll take a Jack and Coke please!
Finally, if you could share a meal with any four individuals, living or dead, who would they be? Keith Whitley, Joe Diffie ,Travis Tritt, and Alan Jackson.

About Brian Callihan:
Born and raised on a small farm in South Georgia,Callihan played baseball and football but found his true passion when he started listening to Keith Whitley. Finding inspiration in Whitley’s Greatest Hits, he purchased a guitar (with extra money earned from catching overpopulated wild hogs on the weekends) and began playing and writing his own music. In 2009,Callihan moved to Nashville where he began co-writing with Cole Swindell, Josh Thompson, Adam Sanders and other hit Nashville singer-songwriters. In 2011, the hard work paid off when Callihan signed his first publishing deal. Since then, he has written songs that have been recorded and performed by Cole Swindell, Dylan Scott, Trent Tomlinson, Halfway To Hazard and many others. As an artist,Callihan has shared the stage with many mainstream country music artists and has played major festivals such as CMA Fest, Key West Songwriters Festival and The Suwannee River Jam.