Thank you so much for chatting with us! Did you always want to be a musician or was there a specific moment that something happened that made you think "this is what I want to do with my life." If so, what was it? When I was seven years old I got my first Kiss record, soon followed by my first Alice Cooper record. I knew immediately I needed in on this. The crazy thing is, the excitement never went away. I still feel like I’m seven when I hear new music that I love. Music is the most powerful magic and greatest language on earth.
When/where do you do your best writing? That varies so much. I’m one of those people… always writing notes on my phone or using the voice recorder whenever I come up with song ideas, and it happens in the weirdest places or at the most inappropriate times. When I actually compile these snippets and put complete songs together, it’s typically in my very modest, yet functional home studio.
If you could have penned a song in any genre what would it have been? "Apology" by The Go-Go’s. It’s absolutely perfect. And a bonus answer, the entire “Bat out of Hell” album (Meatloaf).
What's the story behind your album's title?I endured a number of profoundly painful events for years prior to recording, and I needed to generate my own positivity. Lifting the Curse was a mindset and shift in attitude. I became a lot more grateful for all the blessings in my life throughout the creation of the album and it really felt like there was a curse being lifted!
What is one food that most people seem to like, but you cannot stand to eat? Eggs! Unless they’re in a cake or in dessert-form, I’m not interested.
If I was a bartender, what would you order? Gin and seven, to be safe. I’m not sure if you’re a good bartender, so I don’t want to get too creative!
If you could share a meal with any four individuals, living or dead, who would they be? Excluding the obvious, (friends and family), I’d say Rob Zombie, Jim Steinman, Jim Carrey, and Prince. Imagine that conversation!
How do you drink your coffee? The one place I try to cut out sugar. I
drink it almost black, with just a little milk.
What is one thing you can tell us that most people don't know about you and might surprise us? I have an educational reptile business, and also work as a librarian!
Finally, if you could be sponsored by one food/drink brand who would it be and why? Empress Gin – because it tastes great and is purple!

Website: www.darrenboyd.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darren.michael.boyd/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/darrenmichaelboydmusic/
Ottawa and Toronto based songwriter and musician, Darren Michael Boyd created his debut instrumental album "Lifting the Curse" as form of therapy to move forward after a life-altering car accident, and the physical and psychological complications that followed. It was entirely written, performed, and produced by Boyd, except for the track "Was is something I said", which features drums by Emily Dolan Davies (The Darkness, Kim Wilde). It was mastered By Harry Hess at H-Bomb Mastering (Barenaked Ladies, Danko Jones, Monster truck).
In the spring of 2019 he joined the Mississippi Mudds Theatre Group to play guitar for a sold out run of Queen’s We Will Rock You. The Mississippi Mudds won the Ottawa Faces magazine award for Favourite Theatre Group for that year.
He has toured and recorded with a variety of artists, such as Black Ju-Ju, Creeping Beauty, and Famous Underground (featuring Juno award-winning vocalist Nicholas Walsh).
He was invited multiple occasions to privately audition for platinum-selling artist Fefe Dobson, and asked to write songs for Alice Cooper’s daughter Calico Cooper, and long time bassist Chuck Garric’s band Beasto Blanco.
Darren received a scholarship to Guitar Workshop Plus in Toronto, with some of the best players in the business as instructors (Paul Gilbert/Billy Sheehan/Sue Foley).
He has shared the stage with such acts as One-Eyed Doll, Wednesday 13, Yngwie Malmsteen, Stryper, Harem Scarem, Beasto Blanco, and Lee Aaron.